Hi everyone. I thought you may like to see a few pictures of my home inside. I am also in the process of setting up an Etsy shop. IT will be called The Purple Flutterby. A long time ago I used to sell a lot of crystals and dream pillows etc. I have had an urge lately to do this again. I will be adding some of my Jewellery and artwork and crystals etc. I have been learning to listen to my instincts and it just felt that the time is right to start doing this again. Hope you enjoy the photos
As you can see I absolutely love my crystals. I have so many but have shown you some of my favourites. The first picture is Mookite, I was attracted by its colours. I am not too sure what the properties are for that one. Then I have Clear Quartz which I think has to be my favourite along with moonstone. Their is also Blue John, flourite, Selenite, Chiostite, honey quartz, Amethest, and my jasper, quartz and moonstone wand.
I have a certificate in Crsytal healing and I use them in conjunction with Reiki. For ages I have not done any healing but like I said I am being guided to to this again. I am also using the herbs in little pillows, and as well as the ones shown I also have, Rose, Lavender, Hops, Violet and Oak Leaf.